Candy Cane Grams for Sale!
Candy Cane Grams will be sold in the lobby from Dec. 12th-13th. Delivery will be Dec. 13th.
1st: Pay $1.00 to buy a candy gram
2nd: Write a note to your special friend, teacher, parent*, sibling*, custodian, etc.
3rd: Drop your note in the box
4th: Write recipient’s HR teacher on the back of the card
We will attach a candy cane to it & get it delivered this week!
*If your note is for a family member, you’ll take the candy gram home.
1st: Pay $1.00 to buy a candy gram
2nd: Write a note to your special friend, teacher, parent*, sibling*, custodian, etc.
3rd: Drop your note in the box
4th: Write recipient’s HR teacher on the back of the card
We will attach a candy cane to it & get it delivered this week!
*If your note is for a family member, you’ll take the candy gram home.