Teacher Ada Moore » Schedule


Ms. Moore's 2023-2024 Schedule (Life Science)
7:00 Doors open- students report to the gym
7:20 Morning bell -students report to1st period
7:30 Tardy bell-students must be in Homeroom before the bell rings or they are counted tardy and required to have a pass from the front office
7:30-7:35 Homeroom
7:35-8:43 1st Period
8:43-9:55 2nd Period
9:55-11:39 Planning (students are in connections for 3rd and 4th period and teachers are planning, in meetings, etc.)
11:39-1:19 5th Period/Lunch
1:19-2:30 6th Period
2:30 dismissal
Please email me at [email protected] with any questions/concerns or to schedule a parent conference.