Chorus Syllabus
Chorus Syllabus
Chorus Syllabus
Ms. Dibling/ Room 130
Phone: 706-868-3712 Ext. 3665
Course Description:
Welcome to Chorus at RMS! I am so excited to have you as part of the Eagles Chorus. I looking forward to hear the beautiful music we can make together this year. Throughout the year we will…
54.01300 Beginning Chorus/Grade 6 - This performance-based class focuses on learning to use the vocal instrument to create a healthy and pleasing sound. In addition to learning proper vocal production and technique, students learn music reading skills, sight-singing skills, and performance skills. Students sing literature with and without accompaniment in up to three parts. Chorus offers opportunities for students to develop team building and leadership skills. Participation in concert performances outside of regular class hours is required.
54.01400 Beginning Chorus/Grade 7 - This performance-based class focuses on learning to use the vocal instrument to create a healthy and pleasing sound. In addition to learning proper vocal production and technique, students learn music reading skills, sight-singing skills, and performance skills. Students sing literature with and without accompaniment in up to three parts. Chorus offers opportunities for students to develop team building and leadership skills. Participation in concert performances outside of regular class hours is required. 54.01500
Beginning Chorus/Grade 8 - This performance-based class focuses on learning to use the vocal instrument to create a healthy and pleasing sound. In addition to learning proper vocal production and technique, students learn music reading skills, sight-singing skills, and performance skills. Students sing literature with and without accompaniment in up to three parts. Chorus offers opportunities for students to develop team building and leadership skills. Participation in concert performances outside of regular class hours is required
$30 participation fee due on Rev Trak
A 3-ring binder
A Pencil
Chorus “SOAR” Expectations
S Safe
· Stay at your chair during instruction · Keep hands and feet to yourself |
O Organized
· Clean up around your chair at the end of class · Put music back neatly in appropriate folders
A Accountable
· Stay focused on the music and stay on task · Sing to the best of your ability
R Respectful |
· Take responsibility for your own actions, words and work · Do not read during class · Speak to others with respect · Listen when others are asking questions or speaking |
Assignments and Grades:
All singing can be graded using the following rubric.
Criteria: 6= Superior (Above 99%) 5=Above Average (above 90%) 4= Average (above 75%) 3= Below Average (above 50%) 2= Well Below Average (below 50%) 1= No Effort (Below 20%) |
+ 99% |
+ 90% |
+ 75% |
+ 50% |
- 50% |
- 20% |
Rhythm- accuracy of values, duration, pulse, steadiness, meter
Tone Quality- resonance, control, clarity, focus, consistency, warmth, breathing and support
Notes-accuracy of printed pitches and intonation within the appropriate range
Articulation and Diction- Accuracy of pronunciation and releases |
Musicianship- expressive elements, interpretation, dynamics |
Daily Grades: daily singing grades, practice activities and written assignments
Assessments and Concerts: Tests and Concert Performance
Concerts that are missed can be made up, but grading will begin at 80%, per state policy concerts are a required part of the curriculum.
Please sign acknowledging that you have read the syllabus and understand the requirements.
Student Signature________________________________________________
Parent Signature _________________________________________________
__________Please initial that you have paid or will pay your $30 participation fee on RevTrak. (If there is a hardship and you are unable to pay the participation fee, please e-mail Ms. Dibling.)